
In 2010 OGUEP Oblkommunenergo procured MIKO-1 micro ohmmeter for measuring the transient resistance of high-voltage circuit breaker contacts. It should be noted that capacity of the battery ideally fits the instrument, its charge is sufficient for the whole working day of heavy operation.
In 2011 we procured the MIKO-2.3 instrument for measuring the ohm resistance of high-voltage transformer windings. The instrument has advantages similar to those of MIKO-1 but capacity of the battery is sometimes insufficient for making measurements on a high-voltage transformer if it cannot be charged on site.
After positive experience of operating the MIKO instruments, in 2013 we procured five MIKO-8 devices.
MIKO instruments ideally suit companies that deal with maintenance, adjustment and testing. The instruments have high precision, are simple in operation, compact and have low weight. During operation of MIKO 2-3 and MIKO-8 when measuring the DC resistance the transformer windings are rapidly saturated and, as a result, the time of measurements reduces. Current output by the instrument allows burning the oxide and oil films occurring between contacts thus giving regular records of transient resistance. Another advantage of the instruments is ability to combine potential and current circuits in two terminals and account of proper resistance of wires included into the kit.
OJSC of High-Voltage Equipment ELECTROAPPARAT
OJSC ELEKTROAPPARAT has been intensively using instruments manufactured by SKB EP, LLC since 2005: PKV/U2, PKV/U3.1, PKV/M7, PUV-50, and MIKO-1 for adjustment of high-voltage SF6 circuit breakers during their commissioning and assembly.
Our company produces SF6 circuit breakers VGP-110, VGP-220, VGP-330, VB-110, VGG-20, cells YaGT-110, current transformers TGFM-110, TGFM-220, TGF-330, TGF-500, and voltage transformers ZNGA-110, and ZNGA-220.
With the help of PKV instruments our specialists perform non-destructive assessment of the circuit breaker condition, control several nodes simultaneously with high accuracy, which reduces the period of circuit breaker adjustment and time for documenting their acceptance. Graphic presentation of characteristics and parameters vividly demonstrate the operation of circuit breaker nodes.
PUV-50 instrument is used for life tests of manufactured and newly developed circuit breakers.
MIKO-1 instrument is used for measuring the transient resistances of circuit breaker contacts, and of current and voltage transformer windings. The instrument is compact, has high precision of measurements, simple in manipulation and convenient to use owing to its mobility and independent power supply.
СWe can willingly recommend the above instruments manufactured by SKB EP for units dealing with circuit breaker adjustment and operation.
Our Company used MIKO-2.3 instruments #18 manufactured in 2009, and #18 manufactured in 2010.
The instruments are used for measuring the resistance of main switchgears, circuits, of current and power transformers.
The instruments are rather convenient in operation though length of conductors.
We failed to use the instrument for measuring the resistance of transformer windings during thermal tests (in the conditions of rapid change in the windings temperature).
The MIKO-2.3 can be recommended for use by other companies.
OJSC of Energy and Electrification OJSC TYUMENENERGO Branch Noyabrskie Electric Networks
MIKO-1 Instrument manufactured by SKB EP, LLC has been used by our Company since 2001. It has been used for measuring transient resistances of contacts of switching equipment 35-110 kV and of power transformers.
The instrument is convenient is use, has low weight and size. Capacity of the battery is sufficient for the whole day of operation.
The instrument ideally suits maintenance, adjustment and testing units and companies.
The PKV/U3 instrument has been used by our Company since 2010. This Instrument allows control of the main parameters of HV circuit-breakers of VGT-110 type during acceptance tests.
The PKV/U3 instrument is easy to operate; program interface is user-friendly and understandable. We use such functions of the instrument as measuring the rate of the circuit-breaker closing/reclosing, time delays in the phase disconnection, time proper of closing/reclosing, maximum currents of electric magnets during actuation.
Owing to its convenience, functionality, reliability and relatively low cost as compared to its analogues, the instruments can be recommended for use at energy facilities.