
MIKO-1 Instruments (2 pcs.) manufactured by SKB EP, LLC has been used by laboratory of MAEK-Kazatomprom since 2012.
The MIKO-1 is used for measuring transient resistances of VMT-220B, U-220, U-110, MKP-35, and VMPE-10 circuit breakers, of high-voltage breakers 35, 100 and 220 kV, of welded and bolted joints of 0.4 and 0.6 kV busbars.
The instruments are rather convenient is use as they have independent power supply from an in-built battery, have low weight and size, a convenient bag for the instrument transportation and operation. Those benefits allow its use in the switchgear racks, for making measurements on the circuit breakers, and on switchgear busbars.
Use of MIKO-1 instrument raised the quality of contact resistance measurements and of maintenances. Previously our company used different devices for commissioning. As compared to those devices the MIKO-1 has lower price, it is robust, convenient in operation, transportable and is completed with convenient measurement cables.
We recommend MIKO-1 microohmmeter to all the companies dealing with adjustment, maintenance and operation of electric equipment in the power companies as well as to electrotechcnial laboratories of industrial companies.
OJSC Power Machines – ZTL, LMZ, Elektrosila, Energomashexport
We are grateful to you for giving us a chance to operate your MIKO-7 micro ohmmeter.
In the course of measurements the instrument proved to be a device meeting the declared characteristics. It is rather simple in operation.
Its merits are small size and low weight, ability to be powered from the main network during taking measurements.
The instrument will be recommended to Sales and Procurement Department of OJSC Power Machines for procurement.
Branch of PJSC AIRCRAFT HOLDING COMPANY "SUKHOY" Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Manufacturing Plant Named after Yu.A. Gagarin
MIKO-7 instrument has been used by our electrical laboratory of the Chief Engineer’s Department of Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Manufacturing Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarin since 2013. The microohmmeter is used for measuring DC resistance of transformer windings, electric motors, and for control of transient resistances of 6-110kV oil circuit breakers contacts.
The instrument is simple in use; the basic version of software has a user-friendly interface.
When making measurements on the oil circuit breakers MKP35 and MKP110 the length of wires allows instrument operation without its raising on the measured equipment, which is an advantage as compared to previously used instruments. Moreover, clamps of measurement cables with G-clamps allow their installation using one hand only.
As compared to a classical method using an ampere-voltmeter for measuring the DC resistance in the circuits with inductance, MIKO-7 saves time previously used for the circuit assembly-disassembly, for the process of measurement until the steady-state values of current and voltage are achieved, and for conversion of the data obtained.
Irkutsk State Technical University
In the period between August 9-11 the Research Laboratory for Electric Equipment Testing of the Irkutsk State Technical University performed diagnosis of a block-type TDTNG 75000/110 transformer at a thermal power plant TPP-9 of OJSC Irkutskenergo using your instruments. Resistances of transformer windings were measured using the MIKO-8 microohmmeter. Circular diagrams of LTC transformer were obtained using PKR-2 instrument.
It should be noted that the instruments are of high quality, they are compact and have a number of advantages over similar instruments of other firms (particularly, user-friendly interface, ability to review curves of the instrument signal on site).
On the whole the instruments were highly appraised by our specialists.
MIKO-7 Instrument has been in operation in our Company from June, 27, 2014, till July 25, 2014 for electric equipment repair in the electric repair workshop of CJSC Irkutskenergoremont. Tested were transformers with the capacity from 63 to 10000 kVa (voltage from 0.4 to 35 kV), and electric motors with the capacity from 0.12 to 560 kW (voltage from 0.4 to 6 kV).
During tests the basic software was used and the instrument was powered from AC network 50 Hz.
The instrument is easy to operate, it has a friendly interface. Automatic choice of the range of resistances is the best function for resistance measurement.
Clamps of "crocodile" type combining current and potential conductors ensure simple and reliable connection to the tested equipment.
For consecutive tests on different remote facilities that would be desirable to have an in-built power source.