Results of the business mission to Uzbekistan
In the end of September the international business mission took place in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). It was held with the help of the St. Petersburg Export Support Center. During the business mission, meeting were held, where representatives of different St. Petersburg companies could represent their production to potential clients and partners.
SKB EP specialist conducted 12 meetings with representatives of Thermoelectroproject, JSC, Akfa Lighting, The Institute of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation and other companies. It is worth noting that the meetings were held with companies from different fields: from construction and installation companies to power-producing companies.
During the negotiations and presentations SKB EP representative introduced the potential partners to all the instruments that are manufactured by the company. Specialists from Uzbekistan were mostly interested in:
- Advanced HV circuit breaker analyzer PKV/M7, as well as multipurpose low / high resistance meter MIKO-2.3, that are going to be used in order to equip electrotechnical laboratories;
- Compact micro-ohmmeter MIKO-10 was interesting for companies with electrotechnical laboratories;
- Milli-ohmmeters MIKO-7M(A) and MIKO-9A are planned to be bought by the company that are manufacturing power transformers.
The business mission has become an excellent platform for the presentation of SKB EP instruments and services on the territory of Uzbekistan. This event made it possible to establish new contacts, schedule new meetings and plan further work in this country.
We would like to thank the St. Petersburg Export Support Center for the opportunity to participate in the such events, that help Russian companies to develop and expand their sales geography.