Successes and achievements based on the results of participation in NEVA-2023
Last week SKB EP company took part in the international exhibition NEVA-2023, which unites topics of Commercial Shipping, Shipbuilding, Offshore Energy, Ports, Inland Waterways and Oceanography. The exhibition is one of the ten largest world exhibitions in this industry.
Participation in such an event is a great opportunity to build communication with potential customers from the shipbuilding and ship maintenance industry, enter new markets, as well as present solutions to meet the current needs of this sector.
The participation of SKB EP in this event was a discovery for the company! Representatives of the manufacturer were surprised by the demand for the offered individual services and the main range of SKB EP diagnostic equipment.
Visitors of the stand SKB EP noted:
all modern milli-ohmmeters product line MIKO-7М(А), MIKO-8М(А) and MIKO-9А for diagnostic of marine transformers, generators, electric motors and other objects;
high-tech micro-ohmeters MIKO-21, MIKO-10, MIKO-1 for measuring contact resistance in various types of joints;
current-measuring shunts that are applied in this segment;
parts and mechanisms on order that are manufactured using additive technology for various purposes and tasks.
The NEVA-2023 exhibition was very successful! SKB EP specialists established new business contacts:
with manufacturers of marine transformers;
with ship repair companies specialized in the repair of electrical equipment and automation of ships, carried out the electrical work;
with marine design bureaus and other companies.
If you have questions about the choice of insruments or their operation, we are ready to help you by mail or by phone +7 (812) 500-25-48.