Do you want to receive information about the instruments / accessories price, delivery and cooperation terms? Please contact the responsible manager:

Asia, Australia, New Zealand

Svetlana Terskikh

International Sales Director, English

Europe, Middle East

Tatiana Khodzher

Export Sales Manager, English


Daria Gurvich

Export Sales Manager, French

Legal Address (Head Office)
3.21, 42-H, 1/1, Kokkolevskaya, Pulkovo, Shushary, St. Petersburg, Russia, 196605
Service center
130, st. Lermontova, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia;
1A Kokkolevskaya, Shushary, St. Petersburg, 196605, Russia
Mailing address
1A Kokkolevskaya, Shushary, St. Petersburg, Russia, 196605
Office hours
  • Irkutsk 8 am – 6 pm, Mon.-Fr. (GMT +8)
  • Saint Petersburg 9 am – 6 pm, Mon. to Fr. (GMT +3)
Web Resources
Social network
We will be happy to advise you on all issues related to SKB EP instruments purchase and maintenance

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