
Testing of devices is carried out by specialists in the laboratories of SKB EP, which are registered and accredited by the Federal Accreditation Service Rosaccreditation under № RA.RU.312297 (accreditation scope ).
Testing of instruments of the PKV group (PKV / M6N, PKV / M7, PKV / U3.1 and PKV / U3.0) and instruments of the PKR group (PKR-1, PKR-2 and PKR-2M) is carried out only in Irkutsk in calibration laboratories "SKB EP". Only those instruments that are entered in the State Register of the Russian Federation are subject to verification (certificates).
- Testing interval:
- For instruments: PKV/M7, MIKO-1, MIKO-2.3- 1 year;
- For instrument MIKO-10 - 2 years;
- For instruments: PKV/U3.1, PKV/U3.0, MIKO-21, MIKO-7M, MIKO-8M, MIKO-9, PKR-2 and PKR-2M - 3 years.
- MIKO-2.3 is accepted for maintenance in full set. All other instruments are sent in the following configuration:
- Instrument and specification;
- Sensors DP12 and/or DP21 or DP22 (if included). It is necessary to send passports with sensors. In the absence of a document, a copy will be created forcibly and at an additional cost;
- The rod (line) to the DP12 sensor (if the sensor was included);
- Fault detection report.
To send the device for testing you shuld:
- Download the application for the provision of services (presented below);
- Fill out an application on the official letterhead of the company sending the instrument;
- Send request by e-mail service@skbpribor.ru;
- Pack the goods and the original application according to the following requirements: the goods should be packed in containers or other packaging which can reliably protect it from damage; packaging should ensure the safety of the cargo during its loading, transportation and unloading; in addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of unauthorized persons accessing the contents of the shipment. These rules allow you to deliver the goods to the recipient in their original form.
- Send the packaged goods to the service center "SKB EP" at the address: 664033, Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 130, of. 226