Participation in the Fair-Forum "RUGRIDS-ELECTRO 2015"
An international "RUGRIDS-ELECTRO. Russian networks. New potentials" Forum was held in Moscow on October 20-23, 2015.
2 november 2015 -
Results of the Training Workshop for Specialists of JSC "Gidroremont-VKK"
In mid-September 2015, SKB EP has held an individual training workshop in Nevinnomyssk at the invitation of Kuban branch of JSC "Gidroremont-VKK".
24 september 2015 -
Results of SKB EP Travelling Seminars in Tomsk and Novosibirsk
In early August, SKB of Electric Instrument Engineering in conjunction with the official dealer Terra Impex, LLC has held a series of training seminars under the program "Control of High-Voltage Switching Devices and Transformers with SKB EP Instruments".
11 august 2015 -
Field tests of new instruments at Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station
At the end of July field tests of a new microhmmeter MIKO-21 were carried out on Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station High-Voltage Electric Equipment Site.
6 august 2015 -
At the end of June, tests of the new control instrument for PKR-2М OLTCs VACUTAP MR on TRDTSN-200 MBA 220/11 kV power transformer with OLTC have been carried out.R.
30 june 2015 -
Participation in exhibition "Energetika & Elektrotechnika 2015"
XXII International Exhibition "Energetika & Elektrotechnika 2015" was held on May 18-22, 2015 in St. Petersburg. The stand of SKB EP was attended by more than 100 people. These were mainly power specialists involved in repair and maintenance of high-voltage equipment as well as its manufacturers: branches of IDGC of Centre and FGC UES, RES, CJSC, Obyedinennaya Energeticheskaya Kompania, Power Machines, JSC, Power Machines – Toshiba. High-Voltage Transformers, LLC, Gazprom Leningrad Region Gas Distribution, PJSC, etc.
25 may 2015 -
Report on an Annual Three-Day Workshop in Irkutsk
On April 17, 2015 in Irkutsk an annual SKB EP training workshop on "Monitoring of High-Voltage Switching Devices and Transformers with SKB EP Instruments" was completed, which held on the base of the Corporative Education Research Centre JSC Irkutskenergo.
24 april 2015 -
Report on exhibition and workshop in Kazakhstan
The 14th North Caspian Exhibition "Atyrau Oil & Gas 2015" was held on 14-16 of April in Atyrau, Kazakhstan where SKB EP took part together with the official dealer Patent-Dubl, LLP.
24 april 2015 -
Integrated Testing of SKB EP Instruments
In early April, SKB EP specialists have conducted an integrated testing at 110/35/10 "Pivovariha" substation, where the following instruments have been used: instruments for control and testing of high-voltage circuit breakers; instruments for resistance measurement (microohmmeters and milliohmmeters) and instruments for control of transformer OLTCs.
20 april 2015
Results of participation in exhibition "Electric Networks of Russia – 2014"
On December 2-5, 2013 SKB EP took part in a large energy exhibition "Electric Networks of Russia – 2014" - an annual event that becomes a platform for discussions of a wide range of industry issues, share of experiences and scientific ideas.
10 december 2014