SKB EP at the Final Contest on Substations’ Equipment Maintenance and Repair in FGC UES
FGC UES held final inter-regional contests of personnel dealing with maintenance and repair of equipment of 220-1150 kV substations.
8 august 2017 -
Workshop Held by SKB EP for Specialists of KEGOC Company
Late in June the SKB-EP Company together with the official dealer PATENT-DUBLE Company held a workshop for specialists of the KEGOC Company.
5 july 2017 -
SKB EP in Qualification Contest on Substation’s Equipment Maintenance and Repair in the MES Siberia
Branches of PJSC FGC UES regularly hold qualification contests of personnel on maintenance and repair of 220-1150kV substations equipment.
30 june 2017 -
On-Line Test Drive of Milliohmmeters
You have got a unique chance to undergo an on-line test-drive of milliohmmeters thanks to demonstration of the main functions and modes presented on the website.
22 june 2017 -
SKB EP in Qualification Contest on Substation’s Equipment Maintenance and Repair in the MES Center
Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System (PJSC FGC UES) branches started qualification contests of personnel on maintenance and repair of equipment of 220-1150 kV substations.
14 june 2017 -
Master’s Day in PJSC Lenenergo
On May 29-31, 2017 on the territory of the training polygon of PJSC Lenenergo in Tervolovo settlement a tutorial was held based on the Mater’s Day program.
2 june 2017 -
Results of participation in the Energy and Electric Engineering Fair - 2017
On April 25-28, 2017 the Energy and Electric Engineering Fair - 2017 was held in St.-Petersburg that became one of the main fairs in Russia.
28 april 2017 -
New development- milliohmmeter MIKO-9
New, modern and functional milliohmmeter to measure the DС electric resistance in the inductance and inductance-free circuits.
25 april 2017 -
Results of a Three-Day Workshop in Irkutsk
The Xth annual three-day WORKSHOP on Control and Diagnostics of High-Voltage Electric Equipment was held in Irkutsk on April 5-7.
12 april 2017 -
Results of Workshop for RUP Gomelenergo
A two-day Workshop on operating the SKB EP analyzers was held for RUP Gomelenergo (Zhlobinsk Electric Networks) specialists early in December.
20 december 2016